Getting started:
1. Install from NuGET:
You can get the library via NuGet if you have the extension installed for Visual Studio or via the PowerShell package manager. This control is published via NuGet at SharpGIS.NmeaParser.
PM> Install-Package SharpGIS.NmeaParser
2. Create a new device:
// Create one of the NMEA devices
var device = new NmeaFileDevice("PathToNmeaLogFile.txt", 1000);
// Listen to messages from the device:
device.MessageReceived += device_NmeaMessageReceived;
// Open the device and start receiving:
// Create event handler for receiving messages:
private void device_NmeaMessageReceived(object sender, NmeaMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
// called when a message is received
if(args.Message is NmeaParser.Messages.Rmc rmc)
Console.WriteLine($"Your current location is: {rmc.Latitude} , {rmc.Longitude}");
See the Platform specific device creation section in the menu for more specifics on device creation.
3. Browse the API Reference
4. Explore the Object Model Diagrams
5. Explore the samples on GitHub:
- Desktop app (.NET Framework / .NET Core)
- Windows Universal app
- Android app